Monday 12 May 2014

About my interest and the Quest

About eight to nine years back, I used to listen to "Bhajan"s of Santa Kabi Bhima Bhoi, a poet from the Eastern region of India. Never knowing what he means in his songs. He used a lot of references to "Parambrahma", I started to google it. After some time passed with a renewed interest I started to look for videos in YouTube to find "What is Life" and "Who is God". In my mind I got convinced that, there is somebody who is running this universe; such a big creation can't run on its own. If something is created then someone must have created it! Since the time known nothing has been created out of nothing, someone somewhere has been creating things; I could not find a single example of something being created on its own. 
After spending a considerable time on YouTube and watching many videos from many religions one becomes a sort of convinced that the whole world from centuries can't be fool and there is God, who so ever He/She is. A lot of time went after this without any quest.
On my Android mobile one day out of curiosity I downloaded one app on Bhagvat Gita, listened to it in my free time. Bhagvat Gita though has been present in my house since I was a child but I never read it thinking that it must have contained different "slokas" on how to worship Hindu Gods. After listening to translation of it in Hindi, I was surprised that it only tells about "How to live a pious Life". So I listened to that app three to four times, every time I listened I never got bored because the amount of philosophy given in it is colossal. Still I believe I have not understood it completely.

I found out that there are several translations of Bhagvat Gita from the original Sanskrit text; I wanted to listen/read to the original translation to Hindi, the reason being that different sects in Hinduism interpret it in different ways. I never wanted to get influenced by any one of them. I wanted to know what actually the original one said. After a little bit of searching here and there I have zeroed it on to Bhagvat Gita by Gita Press. Currently I am reading/listening it whenever I get time. 
A lot of questions arise in my mind after listening or reading to Bhagvat Gita. Now I am onto find suitable satisfactory answers to them because proof finding to all questions is nearly impossible.         

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