Saturday 10 May 2014

I long for this

Today I came to learn of a family who was a devoted Shiva worshiper. To please Shiva five of them died, in the hope to see him in actual.  I don't  know whether  any  one of them  was able to find him or not but if God is present here in such a form, if Shiva is actually there then it's okay otherwise five persons have wasted there life for the unknown.
There is one persistent doubt in my mind; I see a lot of wealthy persons who are having enough wealth to devote time for God, like me a middle class person can't even think of that.  I have my mundane duties always in my mind. I see this quest in a way that I earn such an amount of money that for the rest of my life I can devote time to find "Who is He", devote time to solve the greatest mystery of all time Who is He. Another view is that; when you know that all these things are "Maya" in this world then why are you desiring for such amount of money.  Find God in your current life in the current socioeconomic situation. Don't long for money don't try to increase "Papa" in your life by longing for money.  This dilemma comes to my mind more often when I find difficulties in my current work life; minor hindrances. 

A couple of days ago I read a very apt comment about Hinduism by one of the judges in one income tax tribunal at Nagpur saying that God in Hinduism is nothing but three supernatural powers of earth in the name of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu.  I with my current level of understanding of God found this definition very true. But other people who keep visiting temple daily to find God they will definitely not agree to the poor judge. 

I long to be at a peaceful place with all the time in this world available with me and at my discretion. The true nature minus the hustle bustle of the crazy world; it will be a bliss if it's without any worries of my present day lifestyle. The world offers you so much to learn but a pity that we have so less time.

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